Info: 'First select the type of file, either LaserPerfect™Font (with "N" font icon on desktop) or standard text file. '
Bounds: x1=20, y1=65, x2=400, y2=113
Type: -120
Info: 'Next, select permanent or temporary download. Permanent will lock the font into the LaserWriter until the LaserWriter is turned off or reset. Permanent is the'
Bounds: x1=20, y1=113, x2=400, y2=165
Type: -120
Info: 'standard form for fonts. Temporary downloads are cleared out immediately after being run, and are suitable for PostScript text programs.'
Bounds: x1=20, y1=170, x2=400, y2=225
Type: -120
Info: 'Finally, click the “Send” button to select a file to be sent.'